Hands down, Botox creeps me out. The thought of needles is bad enough, but needles in your face? Injecting toxins? No thank you. However, nearing …

Hands down, Botox creeps me out. The thought of needles is bad enough, but needles in your face? Injecting toxins? No thank you. However, nearing …
What does one funny sounding apple from Europe have to do with your fight in anti-aging and keeping your skin youthful? Apparently much! This little-known skin care secret is proving to be nothing less than a powerhouse, revolutionizing the skin care game and helping to keep skin ‘turnt up’ for life.
Maybe you did know, but probably you didn’t…the oil harvested from a bird can revolutionize your skin care…hair care, heck self-care in general! Which bird? An interesting-looking doozy named the emu, and the benefits of emu oil are many and nothing short of amazing!
The other day actually, I was stopped by a teenager. I’m pretty sure she had to be somewhere in the area of 15 to 17 or something. This is what she said to me (ruefully and longingly).
“You’re so pretty! I wish I had your skin.”