Recently, I was asked to do a review for a wonderful exfoliation and massage tool, and it was the first time that I was ever …

Recently, I was asked to do a review for a wonderful exfoliation and massage tool, and it was the first time that I was ever …
Who doesn’t want to exit the house with glowing skin? You know, the kind that barely needs any foundation? That gets tons of compliments and second glances?
Dull, dry, lifeless skin is most certainly a drag and instead a dewy, rosy, healthy glow is more desirable. But, did you know It’s also easy to achieve? Keep on reading to discover how to get a healthy glow to your complexion.
What does one funny sounding apple from Europe have to do with your fight in anti-aging and keeping your skin youthful? Apparently much! This little-known skin care secret is proving to be nothing less than a powerhouse, revolutionizing the skin care game and helping to keep skin ‘turnt up’ for life.
Maybe you did know, but probably you didn’t…the oil harvested from a bird can revolutionize your skin care…hair care, heck self-care in general! Which bird? An interesting-looking doozy named the emu, and the benefits of emu oil are many and nothing short of amazing!