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You’ve been hearing it for a few weeks now, like the theme song from “Jaws” playing in your head…Dah dum…dah dum… dahdumdahdumdahdum…getting faster and faster. The fall selling season for direct sellers is sneaking up on us and you better be ready! Take a deep breath. There’s still time to get set up for success in your direct sales business before your kids head back to school and we head into the most busy season in our sales year.
Here’s a must-do list that should help you get ahead of the game and be prepared to take advantage of all the momentum you can this fall:
Make a plan
– This is the place to start if you’re serious about your business. Take some time to sit down and create a plan so when September hits, you have a step-by-step vision and clear steps to take to get booked and build your business through the last four months of the year. Take an hour and set your goals for September through December. Click here to download my “Goal Setting Worksheet” taken from our “Powerful Tools for Your Direct Sales Business: Leader’s Edition.” It will help you make a strong plan.
Create a contact list of at least 50 people…
you haven’t contacted recently – I guarantee, there are at least 50 people whom you could follow up with but haven’t. Think about your customers, guests from your parties, previous hosts, and any other leads that may have fallen through the cracks. Make your goal to actually come up with 100 names and 50 will seem easy.
Throw your own celebration party
– You have lots to celebrate this time of year in your direct sales business (and lots of awesome new products to share). Invite all of those people on your list of 50 and everyone else you can think of. Choose a fun theme and offer lots of great give-aways to compel people to want to attend.
Consider offering a virtual Facebook party – Virtual parties are all the rage right now and it’s an easy way for you to share what’s new and create a fun party without people having to leave their homes. I’m hosting a free, content-packed webinar next Wednesday, September 7th called “5 Simple Steps for Creating Facebook Parties That ROCK!” You can get signed up here.
Give back
– This is a great time of year to do fund raisers, which also generates greater interest in your business. You can make a difference while growing your business.
Make sure your customers know they can shop with you online
– If you don’t have an e-mail list with your customer’s information, work on that now and then be sure you e-mail them at least once mid to late November with clear instructions about how they can “shop from their chair” with you on your website.
These are just a few of my “must do’s.” I’d love to know what you’re focusing on now to ensure that your fall selling season results are out of this world. Please share below!
Need some help filling up your calendar as we head into the busy Fall selling season? Grab your complimentary copy of my “Book Yourself Solid In The Next 30 Days” roadmap. It’s yours for free when you subscribe to my mailing list. Already a member of the list? My system won’t add you twice, so go ahead and grab the roadmap anyhow. Click here to grab your roadmap now!
Julie Anne Jones is a direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific systems, language, and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read her weekly blog posts, visit her at

85 Fall Party Theme Ideas
To Your Success,